Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012


NPM     : 21209827
KELAS   : 3EB13
Korean Fever
Nowadays we can see many Korean cultural influences that go into our country, one of which many Korean serial drama that is often shown on television. Korean fever is sweeping not only the drama of the series only, but also boyband and girlband, style of dress, hairstyles, food and way of talking too much followed by the people of Indonesia. Not long ago many artists or actors and the boyband-Korean boyband who often visited Indonesia to hold a concert due to demand from the fans in Indonesia are so many. One example that recently occurred that concert 4 Super Junior Super Show, held in Jakarta. Millions of fans from Korean boyband is willing to overcrowding and to stand-panasan to get tickets to a concert Super Junior. Various ways they do in order to purchase these tickets.

This concert was originally only lasted 2 days only, but because of the large demand of fans who have not managed to get tickets the concert lasted for 3 days. Price of these tickets can not fairly inexpensive ranging from five hundred thousand to two million dollars. However, for those fans commonly referred to as ELF or Ever Lasting Friends, price not an issue for them, because they meet his idol is the dream of the first. In addition, since the rise of Korean influence is a lot of shops korean style clothes and started developing a lot of Korean clothes, food stores that provide Korean food, and as for korean salon whose owner is the original Korean. The influence of Korean culture is very positive for the Indonesian people because then the people of Indonesia can know more in another Korean culture.

As for the positive things we can learn from the Korean fever is, that we as people of Indonesia can learn and pick up a good example of the Korean fever, such as we as a nation must give future generations the works of a more creative and show Indonesian cultures are so diverse and beautiful land our country to the outside community in order to attract their attention. That way, people outside will be more aware that Indonesia is one country that is very beautiful and has so many diverse cultures are also not lost to other countries.


NPM     : 21209827
KELAS   : 3EB13
Tragedi Jatuhnya Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100

Suka cita menaiki pesawat Sukhoi Super Jet 100 justru berujung duka. Di Halim, joy flight yang dilakukan Sukhoi untuk kali pertama selama 35 sampai 40 menit berjalan mulus. Namun pada saat joy flight kedua Sukhoi hilang kontak. Terakhir koordinat pesawat berada di Desa Cidahu, Kecamatan Cidahu, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.

Dalam joy flight ini Sukhoi mengundang 100 orang dari industri penerbangan. Banyak juga pejabat dari beberapa maskapai penerbangan Indonesia yang ikut, diantaranya Direktur Operasional Kartika Airlines Capt Aan Suhadiana dan Direktur Operasional Pelita Air Darwin Pelawi. Dua wartawan dari TransTV dan majalah Angkasa juga menjadi penumpang.

Banyak pertanyaan mengapa pesawat ini bisa jatuh, bahkan ada yang mengatakan karena gunung salak memiliki nilai mistis sehingga jika melewati gunung tersebut haruslah permisi, ada juga yang mengatakan ada keanehan penyebab jatuhnya pesawat tersebut.

Ada sumber juga mengatakan kalau terbang di gunung salak seharusnya ketinggian pesawat minimal 7.000 kaki, sedangkan pesawat sukhoi sendiri terbang dengan ketinggian 6000 kaki.

Apakah  ada kesalahan selama persiapan ekspedisi penerbangan uji coba pesawat sipil terbaru buatan Sukhoi itu, yang berakhir tragis di Indonesia.

Pengusutan ini termasuk para teknisi yang mempersiapkan penerbangan. Tim itu juga akan memeriksa pihak perusahaan pesawat sipil Sukhoi yang terlibat dalam pembuatan pesawat dan persiapan misi ke enam negara.

Pesawat bermesin ganda tersebut menghilang dari radar, Rabu 9 Mei 2012, sekitar 50 menit setelah penerbangan eksebisi (joy flight) tahap kedua. Penerbangan ini membawa 42 penumpang dan 8 awak pesawat. Kabar terbaru mengatakan kecelakan terjadi karena ruang hampa yaitu turun drastis dalam waktu relatif singkat dari 10.000 kaki ke 6000 kaki.

Sumber :

Conclusion :
Sukhoi aircraft tragedy has left wounds and profound sorrow, not only for victims' families but also for the people of Indonesia. Lately a lot of disasters in Indonesia are so shocked the people of Indonesia. In the evacuation so far, only 16 bodies were found. May the families of the victims are given fortitude and patience in the face of this ordeal. Is still not known what caused the accident aircraft. But whatever the cause of this Sukhoi crash, hopefully with the presence of this accident the other planes can be more alert and more attentive to the situation and condition of the plane as it will make the flight, so it will never happen again accidents.